Monday, March 29, 2010

Madelines Crazy Hair

I've always said, to anyone who would listen, that I've always wanted a daughter with red hair. Now I have three kids, all with various degrees of red hair. While the point of redhead or not is frequently debated with me, I refuse to see it any other way. In my mind red is a spectrum. You have your strawberry blondes, which I would classify Jack and John. All the way over to the auburn shades, which Noah fits into. Then there are the no-doubt for sure red heads. I am proud to say that Maddie and I both fit into the latter area of the red spectrum.

I remember growing up getting a lot, A LOT, of attention for being a red head. Especially when I had curly red hair. I remember totally not understanding what the big deal was, but appreciating the attention anyways. Now I have a two year old daughter with red curly hair, which I fawn over multiple times per day. She is a sweet, smart and beautiful young lady...with this WILD woman, crazy hair. It is always getting into her face and eyes, and sticks to whatever has stuck to her face (i.e. juice, candy...boogers). But rarely will she brush it out of her face. I tried to wait until she was officially two to cut her hair. But I had to intevene and cut her bangs. They formed natrually and just needed a little trim. I have no desire to cut the main portion of her hair anytime soon, but may be forced to as she has acquired another trait from me. The love of gum. I believe it will only be a matter of time until I have to cut a precious lock entagled with our beloved Trident Whitening.

It is nice, however, the days that she will let me "do" her hair. It started with piggies, and then progressed to braids. I've even gotten her to sit still for two french braids down either side. Mostly I barely manage to get one pony in and she is ready to move on to the next project and adventure. Running off, with red curls bouncing behind her.

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