I think it is about time to talk about Noah. "Third babies", I catch myself saying that fairly frequently. He really is an easy going child. Even as I was growing him in utero I sent him messages and talked with him about how he really had no choice, but to fit in and jump into our routine. I remember telling him in the hospital that he was going to have to speak up if and when he needed something. And that he did, and does.
What a lot of people don't know is that Noah had to spend extra time in the hospital after he was born. He started to run a high temperature and they were not able to figure out why. Poor little guy had IV's and blood draws, x-rays and even a spinal tap before he was three days old. The temperature resolved and we were able to take him home. Even though he stayed put in the special care nursery at the hosptial, it gave he and I a lot of time to bond together. I had the opportunity to talk with him and tell him how things were. While this was scary for me, I just knew that he was going to be okay and somehow I felt it too. He looked quite like an old man with a big giant nose when he was born, but he also seemed to have the wisdom of one as well.
I knew from the start that Noah was attached to me differently than the other two were. I believe that they all love their mama (and daddy too), but somehow this was just a little different. To this day, he knows when I get home from work in the evenings (he wakes up demanding food) and seems to prefer if he has an eye-ball on me. I always wanted my kids to be able to separate from me and trust that I would return. The older two aways were able to do this, I think having them in day-care helped to develop this. But since Noah isn't in day-care I was a little worried that with his strong attachment to me and having me around all the time would lead to neediness, and dependence on me. Not Noah.
I am able to volunteer at an ECFE class on thursday nights and actually stay in his classroom with him during the class. I tried to ignore him as best I could and play with other kids. It was so interesting to watch him watch me playing with other children. At first he needed to be around me and with me at all times and cried when we separated. However now, with a little help from the BRILLIANT ecfe teacher, he is content to play and scan the room every now and again to check-up on me.
Noah has learned to fend for himself, and this is great, because sometimes I just cant get to him right away. I remember the day that we all woke-up super early and I was trying to make coffee, get the big kids fed, probably get a load of laundry in, etc. I finally realized that I hadn't even changed poor Noahs over-night diaper and began to look for him. He was content, and I knew he had been played with by big brother and big sister as they had colored on him with marker. He had also found his own breakfast of something (edible) that was discarded under the couch. I still dont know really how I should feel about this, but truly I wasn't bothered. He did exactly what I asked him to do, jump in and join our crazy train.
Love this! In a family of 3 kids and often more with foster siblings, I can totally relate!