Monday, November 1, 2010

Alone Time

Alone time may seem a thing of the past, that is alone time for Me. Forget about alone time with John... a date, whats that?!?!

Each time we have added another child to the mix it seems as if the alone time (aka individual attention) for each one gets to be less and less. This too is an important thing to me too to offer individual undivided attention to each child. This is hard to do. I mean it is really hard to do. So I have had to get creative with finding time for each one. I try to take someone with me on even the smallest errand, and simply titling it a "date with mom" seems to make it more special. I have also tried to create small simple routines that allow for the 1:1 time as well.

Jack I really have not had to worry about. He got to have more 1:1 time than probably Madeline and Noah combined!! He needs it too. He is the one who still sneaks into my bed before the sun rises almost every morning. He has learned very quickly that he can crawl in on my side and he wont wake up (and then get kicked out by) dad. This is great cuddle time, and we often share secret whispers as we begin to wake up. I also get a little alone time with him each morning when I walk him to the bus stop. This is a nice time together, we talk about his day or I teach him Camp St. Croix songs or not to step on cracks in the sidewalk.

Madeline gets stuck in the middle. She really only got 3 months of true alone time with me last year when Jack was in pre-school and before we had Noah. So I tried to take advantage of that and give her 1:1 trips to the Children's Museum, Zoo, shopping, etc. Finding time alone with her has proven to be the biggest challenge. Until now. Jack is in school in the mornings, and Noah still takes a morning nap. So after the boys are gone or sleeping we have "girl time". Most mornings she starts to pick out what she wants to do during "girl time" immediately. She is patient in waiting to do the special things (like play Hi-Ho Cherry-O, or play-doh, or helping to do dishes, cook or the laundry). We have about an hour or so each morning that is just for us. The testosterone clears the air and we can sit quietly and interact with one another (without wrestling...weird) and enjoy one another.

Noah Bug. Poor third babies. Good thing I nurse my kids, otherwise he may never get alone time with me. He is still waking up in the middle of the night (sometimes twice) and I think that he knows that is an opportunity for 1:1 time, and I'm not fighting it at all. He gets the occasional trip to the grocery store or gas station. But really, he gets schlepped into whatever the group as a whole is doing.

Until about a month ago.

I discovered early this summer that Ikea will give me a free one hour break from the kids. I resisted this convenience at first because I have a serious serious issue with any potential "dumping" of my kids anywhere. I'm working on this (not really). But we were there and Jack wanted to go in and ended up having a great time, as did I. The four of us were there about a month ago and Madeline requested to go in too. She had potty trained since we had been there last and was more than tall enough. Without reservation I signed she and Jack up to go and play and took off....alone with Noah!!!

We had the greatest hour. Looking at all the lights, puppies and dishes. I probably kissed him more times than was appropriate and I talked and talked and talked to him. I'm sure all of the other shoppers thought I was a lunatic, but I don't really care. I had found time with my Noah Bug. THANKS IKEA!!!!!

I cannot say that we have made trips every week to do this, but I think it is nice to have this little option in my back pocket. Plus who couldn't use a trip to Ikea at almost any moment, especially if it is with the cutest little Bug you've ever seen.

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