Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Get Back

Okay. I need to get back to this writing. I miss it and I need to take the Recreation Therapist advise I'm offering to myself to make time for leisure. So I am.

I have been thinking about how lucky we are to have friends with kids who have been able to share their clothes with us, pass along a box of toys, books. Gently used. That really is nice. Very nice and I'm so appreciative of this.

However, there is no way in hell that I would ever be able to return not only their stuff, but pay it forward. I've finally come to terms with the fact that my family make GREAT end-users. That is just how it is.

I've never been able to put much stock into my stuff, the things that I have. First because I tend not to take the best care of my stuff, I'm being honest here. I don't separate whites from dark clothes, or pre-treat stains, etc. I rarely buy something new, preferring to spend my dollars at Savers or the Goodwill instead. I think it is a two way street. After all it is just stuff, and we have PLENTY of it. I was never one to research supplies for my kids, brands, styles. We usually bought what we liked and went from there. Making what we had work for us, rather than working for the thing we need.


It took me some time to get to this point. I wish that I was awesome and could pass along baby clothes to my friends having kids. I would love to pay it forward, and they are all welcome to the things that have arrived at our house used and gone through three busy kiddos, but I just cant do that in good conscience. So I've decided that at least for now, we will be proud end-users. Making sure that these things will get the most use possible before being re-donated, recycled or (gasp) demolished and put in the garbage.

If nothing else, I'm spending my time where for me it counts. Engaged with others, as much as I can be. That to me is worth a trip to the Goodwill any day!!

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